Wholesale Wood Industry — Realtime Trading & Data

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- trees to building materials

- forest landowners to builders






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We deliver all your daily steps to bring and close deals: search 155,000+ wood companies, make prospect lists, send offers/requests privately or on open market, close deals, track orders, chat with customers/suppliers, and follow industry news on the Pakira Forum. We serve the wholesale wood industry across the entire supply chain: forest landowners, mills, manufacturers, distributors, traders/brokers, and lumber yards/builders/dealers.

Who Are Pakira Members

Buyers and Sellers in the Wood Supply Chain



Forest landowners are at the start of the wood industry supply chain. They grow and maintain hardwood, softwood, or tropical forests (sometimes a mix). They are the source of raw wood in the form of trees. Forest Landowners buy Land and Saplings to grow the trees, and when deemed mature, they sell these trees to Loggers, Log Yards, Mills, and Traders/Brokers.

Trader / Broker

Trader/Brokers provide value by facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. They match the product needs of buyers and sellers at every point up and down the wood supply chain. Some specialize in hardwood, softwood, primary or secondary wood products. Others do it all. Some Traders/Brokers give the buyers invoice guarantees thereby reducing buyer risk and compensationg for their commission. Larger Trader/Broker operations might also take temporary inventory positions in wood products within the supply chain in anticipation of future needs, or to hedge volative market pricing.


Loggers harvest trees from forests and convert them to logs (hardwood, softwood, or tropical) that are sold primarily to Mills, and also to Manufacturer/Fabricators, and Distributors. Traders can faciliate the transactions. Loggers can be independent who purchase stumpage and harvest the wood. They can also be integrated with a Log Yards. Further, Loggers can work directly for a Mill as a company logger, or they can be contractors paid per job.

Log Yard

Log Yards gather and sort logs by size, species, and grade, for sale to primarily Mills, Manufacturers/Fabricators, Distributors, and Traders/Brokers. Log Yards often include their own logging operations.


Trader / Broker

Trader/Brokers provide value by facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. They match the product needs of buyers and sellers at every point up and down the wood supply chain. Some specialize in hardwood, softwood, primary or secondary wood products. Others do it all. Some Traders/Brokers give the buyers invoice guarantees thereby reducing buyer risk and compensationg for their commission. Larger Trader/Broker operations might also take temporary inventory positions in wood products within the supply chain in anticipation of future needs, or to hedge volative market pricing.


Mills shape and fabricate wood into (primary) wood products for use by downstream supply chain participants. Such products include lumber, timbers, panels, boards, and speciality products, to name a few, . There are a variety mill types including Lumber Mills, OSB Mills, Veneer Mills, and Timber Mills. Mills typically buy logs from Loggers and/or Concentration Yards, and sell their products to Manufacturers/Fabricators, Distributors, Builders, Lumber Yard/Dealers, and Traders/Brokers.

Trader / Broker

Trader/Brokers provide value by facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. They match the product needs of buyers and sellers at every point up and down the wood supply chain. Some specialize in hardwood, softwood, primary or secondary wood products. Others do it all. Some Traders/Brokers give the buyers invoice guarantees thereby reducing buyer risk and compensationg for their commission. Larger Trader/Broker operations might also take temporary inventory positions in wood products within the supply chain in anticipation of future needs, or to hedge volative market pricing.


Manufacturers/Fabricators cut and shape wood into value added (secondary) wood products such as trusses, flooring, cabinets, doors, windows, structural members, sheds, trim, and pallets. They buy their material from Mills, or Loggers/Concentration Yards, and sell to Distributors, Builders, and Lumber Yard/Dealers. The transactions could also involve Traders/Brokers in either direction.

Trader / Broker

Trader/Brokers provide value by facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. They match the product needs of buyers and sellers at every point up and down the wood supply chain. Some specialize in hardwood, softwood, primary or secondary wood products. Others do it all. Some Traders/Brokers give the buyers invoice guarantees thereby reducing buyer risk and compensationg for their commission. Larger Trader/Broker operations might also take temporary inventory positions in wood products within the supply chain in anticipation of future needs, or to hedge volative market pricing.


Distributors maintain ongoing wholesale inventories of primary wood products such as lumber, boards, and panels, secondary wood products such as trusses, pallets, floor, window and doors, finished and unfinished, as well as other wood commodities and products. Distributors typically buy nationally or internationally from Loggers, Concentration Yards, Mills, Manufacturer/Fabricators, and Traders/Brokers, and sell regionally to Builders, and Lumber Yard/Dealers.

Trader / Broker

Trader/Brokers provide value by facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. They match the product needs of buyers and sellers at every point up and down the wood supply chain. Some specialize in hardwood, softwood, primary or secondary wood products. Others do it all. Some Traders/Brokers give the buyers invoice guarantees thereby reducing buyer risk and compensationg for their commission. Larger Trader/Broker operations might also take temporary inventory positions in wood products within the supply chain in anticipation of future needs, or to hedge volative market pricing.

Lumber Yard

Lumber Yards/Dealers represent the end of the wood supply chain where all of the finished and unfinished wood products created by the supply chain are sold for final use to Builders/Contractors, or Retail consumers. They buy from Mills, Manufacturers/Fabricators, Distributors, and sometimes Traders/Brokers. Dealers are often licensed to sell brands of specific Manufacturers/Fabricators.


Builders use all wood products, primary and secondary, finished and unfinished, in all forms, for the construction of commercial and residential properties. The smaller Builder operations typically buy their products from a local Distributor or Lumber Yard/Dealer. The medium and large Builder companies need larger wholesale quantities so in addtion to Distributors and Lumber Yards/Dealers, may also buy directly from Mills, Manufacturer/Fabricators, and Traders/Brokers.


Trader / Broker

Trader/Brokers provide value by facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. They match the product needs of buyers and sellers at every point up and down the wood supply chain. Some specialize in hardwood, softwood, primary or secondary wood products. Others do it all. Some Traders/Brokers give the buyers invoice guarantees thereby reducing buyer risk and compensationg for their commission. Larger Trader/Broker operations might also take temporary inventory positions in wood products within the supply chain in anticipation of future needs, or to hedge volative market pricing.

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Increase your reach to new customers, suppliers, and partners. Access last minute deals in a volatile market.

A great platform for LBM buyers, traders and salesmen alike to share ideas, solutions and market information.

Joseph Mariano


Hood Distribution


It's an impressive platform!

Nic Wilson

Purchasing Manager

Big Sky Lumber


I like idea of having forums/discussions with others in the industry.

Andrew Campbell


Stimson Lumber Company


I think Pakira’s awesome and useful for the lumber industry.

Parker Woodley

Lumber Trader



I do love your platform. Very informative and something that has been missing from our industry.

Carl Heinrichs


Quagga Designs, Furniture Design Studio


I love that I can get all my lumber news in one place and read insights and opinions of industry veterans.

Kyler Landa


TJ Forest


I am very grateful to be able to deliver content to this fabulous and informative platform. The many insights acquired here help me navigate more intelligently through the lumber market!

William Giguere


Sherwood Lumber

Trader/Broker, Distributor

Pakira offers a platform/place for lumber folk to talk lumber, share market trends, and has been evolving nicely!

Matt Layman


Layman’s Lumber Guide


A lot of folks in the industry that I have respect for are already on Pakira, or have told me about it.

Steve Coppola

Vice President

Len-Co Lumber

Lumber Yard

I dig the platform and think it has a lot of potential as long as the older generation adopts it since the lumber and building materials industry is notoriously top heavy in age.

Colton Mussleman


Tri-State Forest Products


It is refreshing and efficient for me to have a single spot to go to which specifically targets and focuses on the lumber and panel markets.

Jim Schumacher

Sales Manager / Author

Shoe’s Lumber Report Roof Truss Supply

Lumber Yard/Dealer

So far A+

Tommy Spencer


Spencer’s Lcare


Pakira is quite the guide that we've been missing for so long.

Igor Adriaensen


Lambrechts Hout

Lumber Yard/Dealer

This community is going to change how our business is done … [Pakira] will bring us all into this century finally!!

Burford Bolander


Bolander Lumber Company

Logger, Trader/Broker

The industry needed Pakira as it’s about time we got our own space!

David Stallcop

Managing Director

Stallcop Group LLC


I love it

Steven Ashley


Pelican Bay Forest Product


The Pakira platform is wonderful and I believe it will be a huge success!!

Heather Karleen

Forest Products Buyer

Dick’s Lumber & Building Materials

Lumber Yard/Dealer

Pakira’s content & forum posts have been insightful and have certainly supported me in learning about the industry!

Ben Jordan


Nicholson and Cates Limited


I like the Pakira platform and am excited to enjoy the perspectives represented.

Hank Therien


Plateau Forest Products


I can always rely on Pakira’s community for relative info and knowledgeable insights.

Jordan Kirk


Surrey Cedar Ltd

Manufacturer/Fabricator, Distributor

Pakira is a good daily source to stay plugged in and help weave my way through this difficult and often misleading industry.

Michael Shepherd


Encore Building Products


I like Pakira and have gained insight through the platform

Gray Skipper


Scotch Plywood Company

Forestland Owner, Mill

Pakira is great, [I] learn a lot from all the gurus of the trade!

Bernard Lee


Vita Group


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